Archons Wiki

Your town will have a satisfaction rating that measures how satisfied people are. It has a rating from -3 to +3. Every year your city's population will gain progress equal to the town's satisfaction. So if satisfaction is +3, your town gains +3 progress on population through births and immigration, but if satisfaction is -2 your town loses 2 progress on population through emigration, dissidents, and death. 

+3: Joyful: Your citizens have a default attitude of positive and they are thrilled with your town. They would rather live there than anywhere else. 

+2: Happy: Your citizens have a default attitude of posititive and they are glad to live in your town. 

+1: Complacent: Your citizens have a default attitude of neutral and they have a bit of hope about the world. 

0: Apathetic. Your citizens have a default attitude of neutral and they slog through their days without 

-1 Frustrated: Your citizens have a default attitude of neutral but the demands of life in this town are starting to irk them more than the pleasure they get.  

-2 Angry: Your citizens have a default attitude of negative and they are upset with this town and its leaders.

-3 Furious: Your citizens have a default attitude of negative and they are getting sick of everything. At the end of any session in which citizens are furious, roll a d6. On a 1 nothing happens. 2-4 causes something. On a 5 or 6, the city breaks into revolt. This is bad. 

Things that Influence Satisfaction[]

Satisfaction is 0 by default. For the first year, your citizens have their satisfaction increased by 1, as frontier living is exciting and the drain of few amenities has yet to set in. The next year it will drop by 1. Having sufficient art as a distraction from the troubles of daily life and enough medical care can increase the satisfaction of your town by 1/2 or 1 each. 

While art and clinics can keep a population satisfied, actions by the players are another contributor to satisfaction. Amazing exploits that benefit the town directly can cause people to take pride in their town and advantage of those benefits. These can increase satisfaction by one, sometimes even two points. Conversely, actions that harm the town or shameful actions by champions can reduce the town's satisfaction. 
