Archons Wiki

Here are the principles behind the setting:

You are an archon, a godlike being who seeks to shape the whole world. You are a civilization built around a set of ideals and following your archon, guided by that archon, supported by that archon, and serving that archon. But you are also a champion. You are the epitome of your civilization, the hero of your people, the paragon of their ideals. As a player, you can take any or all of these approaches as you roleplay, trying to shape the world as a god, or trying to build and manage a civilization that grows in influence and power. Or, if you prefer, you can focus on your champion and have a legendary hero who goes on fantastic adventures.

-There's a legend behind just about anything. Why don't bears have tails? Well once upon a time... How did we invent fire? It started with the archon... How did the skunk come to be created? Well, there was this champion in ages past who...

-The game will focus on archons and champions (heroes like Gilgamesh, Hercules, Sinbad, and Son Goku) who start a city and build it to greatness. Things happen on an epic scale. Think big. 

-Magic derives from archons. They need to invest some of their power in you for you to be able to cast spells. Humans do not pass on magical talent, necessarily, but they can learn magic so it's easier on the archon. Archons can invest magical power in animals and it'll breed through, though this is more costly. I'm not sure entirely how it works, but mages always have a connection with the gods. Magic isn't something most people can do. Though anyone can participate in a ritual, there needs to be a mage running things. 

-Don't hold back. Floating islands made of diamond? Oceans that pour off the end of the world? Flying to the moon? Trees that burn without dying? Subterranean continents? All of these are possible. No scientific explanation is needed or wanted. An archon did it. Tell the legend and it becomes real. 

-The game needs to be unique yet accessible. Elves, dragons, and goblins are all accessible because people are familiar with them, but it's been done before. On the other hand, too original can make things inaccessible, as it takes people too long to figure out the world. 
